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Teachers Profile
Campus Maps
Integrated Marketing Communication
Cost Effectiveness
Faculty Distribution
Rules & Regulations
Doctors Profile
Complains Submissions
Maintenance Advices
Hospitals Specialties
Regarding Health field
Hospital Mapping
Safety Exits
Self-Check in & out
Hotel Maps
Hotel Events
Restaurants Offerings
Digital currency Board
Airline Details
Rooms views
Point of Interest Locators
Mall Maps
Mall Events
Restaurants Offerings
Digital currency Board
Discount Offering
Virtual Tour
System | CPU | Quad Core / Octa Core |
RAM | 2GB | |
Internal memory | 8GB - 32GB | |
Operating system | Android / Windows | |
Display | Screen Sizes | 10", 12", 22", 32", 40", 43", 47", 49" 55", 65",70", 84", 98" |
Touch Panel | IR (2-10) Point | |
Resoponse time | 6 ms | |
Resolution | 1080*1920 , 1920*1080 | |
Viewing angles | 178°/178° | |
Contrast ratio | 1000:1 - 4000:1 | |
Brightness | 300 - 3000 nits | |
Aspect Ratio | 9:16 , 16:9 | |
Network | Wifi/3G/4G | Yes |
Ethernet | Yes | |
Interface | Card slot | Yes |
External storage space | User-defined (up to 32GB) | |
USB Device | USB2.0*2 | |
Sockets | HDMI port*1; VGA port *1; Audio output *1; iNetwork port (RJ-45) * 1 | |
Input voltage (V) | AC 100-240V 50/60 HZ | |
Casing | Key Locker/ Pin pad locker | |
Surface | Antiglare, Hard coating (3H) | |
Speaker | 2*5W |
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